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Orchestral Excerpts, Symphony No. 3, Opus 55 - II. Marcia funebre. Adagio assai (bar 160 - 166)

Orchestral Excerpts, Symphony No. 3, Opus 55 - II. Marcia funebre. Adagio assai (bar 160 - 166) by Beethoven

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Composer/Band: Beethoven
Difficulty: Advanced
Key: Eb Major (3 flats)
Song Length: 3 Lines, 15 Measures (Sample 1 Lines)

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Orchestral Excerpts, Symphony No. 3, Opus 55 - II. Marcia funebre. Adagio assai (bar 160 - 166) Style: Classical music, National Anthems and Marches
Tags: Anthem, Romantic period, Classical period
Credits: Claudio Abbado ℗2001 Deutsche Grammophon, Berlin
© 2020 Tombooks Production: Tomplay Edgar DEGAS
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