The Odd Couple - Theme (Beginner Level) Difficulty: Beginner Key: C Major (No sharps/flats). Modulation(s): A Minor (No sharps/flats) Song Length: 19 Lines, 73 Measures (Sample 4 Lines)
The Odd Couple - Theme (Easy Level) Difficulty: Easy Key: G Minor (2 flats). Modulation(s): D Major (2 sharps), Bb Major (2 flats) Song Length: 19 Lines, 73 Measures (Sample 4 Lines)
The Odd Couple - Theme (Intermediate Level) Difficulty: Intermediate Key: G Minor (2 flats). Modulation(s): D Major (2 sharps), Bb Major (2 flats) Song Length: 19 Lines, 73 Measures (Sample 4 Lines)
The Odd Couple - Theme (Very Easy Level) Difficulty: Very easy Key: C Major (No sharps/flats). Modulation(s): A Minor (No sharps/flats) Song Length: 19 Lines, 73 Measures (Sample 4 Lines)